跟 NRA (Nonresident aliens) 申請退稅有關的文件主要是Form 1040NR 的說明文件,以及Publication 519 (U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens)
先抄一段 pub519的開場白:
Nonresident aliens are taxed only on their income from sources within the United States and on certain income connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States.
收入來源先分成美國來源(U.S. source)與非美國來源。NRA通常只要針對 U.S source income 繳稅。
再來是收入如何課稅: Nonresident aliens are taxed based on the source of their income and where or not their income is effectively connedted with a U.S. trade or business.
- Income that is effectively conncedted with a U.S. trade or business.
- Incode that is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.
前者的繳稅方式跟美國公民與居民是一樣的(有免稅額與累進稅率),後者則是用30%的單一稅率。所以重點就是要界定那些收入是 U.S. source or not,再進一步針對 U.S. source 界定那些是 effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business 或 not effectively connected。
Form 1040 的 line 8~23 (其中 line 10 是最常關注的 Ordinary dividends) 是填 Income Effectively Connected with U.S. Trade/Business。
而 Income Not Effectively Connected 應該填在 page4 的 Schedule NEC。Line1a and 1b 分別是 Dividends paid by: a. U.S. corporations and b. Foreign corporations
再來就是最常碰到的問題,投資美股收到的股息,到底是哪種收入,又是不是 connected with a U.S. trade or business。這個問題,我也看了文件看了好久。我會引用文件的原始文件來推敲答案,不見得百分之百正確,還請大家指正。
回覆刪除想請教版主,所謂的ECI(Effectively Connected Income)的意思是指什麼呢?
刪除就字面上的意思是 跟美國貿易或業務有效連結的收入
dear 大可,可以給我您的 email address 嗎?