2012年5月29日 星期二


四月份的景氣燈號依舊是藍燈,分數14分,從去年十一月以來已經連續六個月藍燈。會不會像 2008~2009 年連續九藍燈呢?

不過這次雖然六藍燈,分數卻沒上次那麼低。上波景氣低點,景氣對策信號分數從2008年八月的18分,急降到到九月的12分,然後依序是 12, 12, 11, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12 分,到 2009年六月才彈到17分,脫離藍燈區。其中2008/12 與 2009/1 都達到最低的九分。

而這次雖然六藍燈,但是分數從2011/10 月的 20 分,降到11月的藍燈16分,然後是 14, 13, 15, 14, 14 分。並沒有上次慘烈。也許這可以解釋股市依舊撐在7000點之上。短期的情況應該沒有想上次那麼慘,但是因為沒急跌,大概也就不會V型反轉,而是慢慢療傷慢慢恢復吧。


2012年5月10日 星期四

小朋友的零用錢投資組合績效 2012 四月

四月份台股繼續壟罩在證所稅的陰影下,加上財報利空、法國總統選舉變天、歐債疑雲再起,繼續盤跌,一度跌破7500點。指數從 7933 跌到7501點,跌幅5.45%

  2012/03 2012/04
ETF 79,430 99,730
股票 63,320 62,965
現金 53,339 19,489
總資產 196,089 192,348
成本 187,875 187,875
損益 8,214 4,473
總報酬率 4.37% 2.38%


  2012/03 2012/04
ETF 24,530 47,680
股票 45,770 54,714
現金 35,790 2,108
總資產 106,090 104,502
成本 101,600 101,600
損益 4,490 2,902
總報酬率 4.42% 2.86%
寶來加權指數基金 1.35% -4.37%
台灣五十報酬指數 1.75% -3.74%
台灣高股息報酬指數 3.92% 0.32%



2012年5月8日 星期二

美股投資退稅 - VWO股息預扣稅款能否退稅訊問IRS的結果

之前問了美國公司股息是屬於NEC, 所以要繳30%的稅。那麼像 VWO這種投資非美國公司的ETF的配息的預扣稅款能不能退稅呢?因為今年Firstrade的Form 1042-S ,把VWO的股息收入跟其他美國股票的股息收入合在一起成一筆 gross income. 如果非美國來源可以退稅,那該如何申報呢?於是我又寫信去問了IRS,問題原文如下:

I am a nonresident alien investor from Taiwan. My question is how to refund the 30% tax withhold of the U.S. source dividends I receive from a foreign corporation. I bought the VWO ETF through a online broker. VWO is an exchange traded fund managed by Vanguard Group, Inc. This fund invests in stocks of companies located in emerging markets around the world. It does not invest in any U.S. companies. According to Pub 519, Chapter 3, the dividends paid by foreign corporations can be exempt from the 30% tax. However, in my Form 1042-s, there is only one gross income item of code 06, which includes the dividend from VWO. For example, the  total gross income is $1000, and $300 is from VWO. Can the 30% tax withhold of the dividend from VWO can be refund ? If yes, since there is no dividend amount from VWO in Form 1042-s, should I provide the additional document which states the dividend from VWO
and the document which states that the stocks of VWO does not include the U.S. companies ?

IRS 的答覆如下:
Hello, thank you for your inquiry dated April 30, 2012 concerning how to obtain a refund of tax withheld on foreign dividends even though you received a Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to withholding which shows that they are U.S. sourced dividends.  We apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.

Assuming that these are foreign sourced dividends, no federal income tax should have been withheld.  The Form 1042-S that was issued should have shown Income Code 8, which represents foreign sourced dividends, rather than income code 6.  you should request that the broker furnish you with a corrected Form 1042-S

Also, the broker should refund the federal income tax that was withheld.  If the broker is unable or unwilling to refund the withholding tax, you should file a Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return showing that these dividends are foreign sourced dividends, and showing a $0 tax rate.

Additional information can be found in Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities, and in Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens.

1. 應該要求borker更改 Form 1042-S. 然後broker要退回稅款
(這樣很像是之前 Firstrade 做的事)
2. 如果 broker 無法或不願退稅,就要用1040NR申請了,然後標明這些是國外股息,標明稅率是0%。
