2012年4月27日 星期五


超乎預期喔! 第二季的展望不錯。用 1260*34.5% 計算,可以賺434億,換算EPS約1.67。到時驗證囉。



2012年4月25日 星期三

美股投資退稅事宜 - 股息預扣稅款能否退稅詢問IRS的結果


Your Question Was:
My question is about tax return for U.S. nonresident alien income. I bought stock of Johnson&Johnson(JNJ) through a U.S. online stock broker and received dividend from JNJ. The dividend has 30% tax withheld. My question is whether the 30% tax withheld can be return using deduction for exemptions. (Line40 in Form 1040NR).
Thanks a lot.

The Answer To Your Question Is:
Thank you for your inquiry of April 21, 2012. You have questions concerning whether a personal exemption can be claimed against dividend income paid to a nonresident alien.
You did not provide enough information to properly respond to your inquiry. You did not indicate your country of residence.
Generally, dividend income received by a nonresident alien is subject to a 30 percent tax rate. This tax rate is also referred to as nonresident alien tax rate (NRA). Since dividend income is generally considered to be not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, it is subject to the NRA 30 percent tax rate, unless a treaty between the United States and the nonresident alien's country of residence provides for a lower tax rate. Also, since this income is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, you cannot take a personal exemption on line 40 of Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return.
Thank you for using this electronic tax law service.

This answer is based on our understanding of the facts you presented in your question.  Omission of facts may affect the answer given.

EMPLOYEE ID: 1000212741    Mr. Smith    Tel.:English--(267) 941-1000    Spanish--(800)-829-1040    msg#: 1878624

雖然信件說我沒提供我的國籍而沒法適當的回答我的問題。但是信件說了一般狀況,就是股息是要繳30%的稅的,因為股息並不是 effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, 所以不適用免稅額。

我先問了最簡單的狀況,就是美國公司的配息,我用 JNJ 為例。那如果是VWO這種投資非美國區域的ETF的配息呢?也許再來去問一下吧。

2012年4月20日 星期五

美股投資退稅事宜 1040NR 說明文件閱讀心得 I

Form 1040NR 是 Nonresidnet Alien 申請退稅的表格。 IRS 有一份1040NR的填寫說明文件 i1040nr.pdf,填寫前可以仔細看看。
Page4 有段 Simplified Procedure for Claiming Certain Refunds。如果符合以下所有條件,就可以使用這個簡化的流程:

  • You were a nonresidnet alien.
  • You were not engaged in a trade or business in the United State at any time.
  • You had no income that was effectively connected with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business.
  • Your U.S. income tax liability was fully satisfied through withholding of tax at source.
  • You are filing Form 1040NR solely to claim a refund of U.S. tax withheld at source.

John is a nonresident alien individual. The only U.S. source income he received during the year was dividend income from U.S. stocks. The dividend income was reported to him on Form(s) 1042-S. On one of the dividend payments, the withholding agent incorrectly withheld at a rate of 30% (instead of 15%). John is eligible to use the simplified procedure.

1040NR的 page1 填基本資料,然後 If your income is not exepmt from tax by treaty, leave the rest of page 1 blank. If your income is exempt from tax by treaty, enter the exempt income on line 22 and leave the rest of page 1 blank. (page 1 幾乎是空白)
再來就是 page4 – Schedule NEC, lines 1a through 12. Enter the amounts of gross income you received from dividends, interest, royalties, pensions, annuities, and other income. …

從這個例子看來,約翰的美國股票股息收入並不是填在 line10a/10b, 而是填在是在 page 4。因為這筆收入是 not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.

不過也有 dividend 是 effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. 不過我還沒看懂,有空繼續研究。

2012年4月19日 星期四



跟 NRA (Nonresident aliens) 申請退稅有關的文件主要是Form 1040NR 的說明文件,以及Publication 519 (U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens)
先抄一段 pub519的開場白:
Nonresident aliens are taxed only on their income from sources within the United States and on certain income connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States.

收入來源先分成美國來源(U.S. source)與非美國來源。NRA通常只要針對 U.S source income 繳稅。

再來是收入如何課稅: Nonresident aliens are taxed based on the source of their income and where or not their income is effectively connedted with a U.S. trade or business.

  • Income that is effectively conncedted with a U.S. trade or business.
  • Incode that is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.

前者的繳稅方式跟美國公民與居民是一樣的(有免稅額與累進稅率),後者則是用30%的單一稅率。所以重點就是要界定那些收入是 U.S. source or not,再進一步針對 U.S. source 界定那些是 effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business 或 not effectively connected。

Form 1040 的 line 8~23 (其中 line 10 是最常關注的 Ordinary dividends) 是填 Income Effectively Connected with U.S. Trade/Business。
而 Income Not Effectively Connected 應該填在 page4 的 Schedule NEC。Line1a and 1b 分別是 Dividends paid by: a. U.S. corporations and b. Foreign corporations

再來就是最常碰到的問題,投資美股收到的股息,到底是哪種收入,又是不是 connected with a U.S. trade or business。這個問題,我也看了文件看了好久。我會引用文件的原始文件來推敲答案,不見得百分之百正確,還請大家指正。


2012年4月18日 星期三



Non-Resident Aliens and US Holdings

copy 文章的一段話:
No personal exemption or deductions can be applied against investment income (which is, technically, "income not effectively connected with your US trade or business"). Further, according to the IRS, "if your sole U.S. business activity is trading securities through a U.S. resident broker or other agent, you are not engaged in a trade or business in the United States" so the income is not effectively connected with a US trade or business.

2012年4月3日 星期二



台灣高股息指數成份股新增 信昌化、台聚、啟碁、中碳、可寧衛。刪除國巨、建興、東鋼、長興、旺宏。


聚陽擬配6.1元現金 上市來最高

聚陽近三年EPS為 5.80, 5.91, 6.92元,股息是 5.17, 4.57, 6.10 元。優秀優秀!
成衣大廠聚陽 (1477) 100年度配發現金股利6.1元,為聚陽上市以來最高額度;另董事會中通過擴大投資新建印尼廠區,後年完工後挑戰年產千萬打。

聚陽董事會中通過100年度財報,營收達新台幣148億 6493 萬 6 千元,稅後淨利11億1065萬1千元,每股稅後盈餘 6.92元,每股東配發現金股利約 6.1元,創下聚陽上市以來新高,殖利率達7.07%。

小朋友的零用錢投資組合績效 2012 三月

2/29 收盤是8121.44,3/30是7,933.00,約下跌2.32%。季線約7740點, 接近季線,不過還不算大跌。三月份繼續觀望

  2012/02 2012/03
ETF 81,590 79,430
股票 61,905 63,320
現金 53,339 53,339
總資產 196,834 196,089
成本 187,875 187,875
損益 8,959 8,214
總報酬率 4.77% 4.37%


  2012/02 2012/03
ETF 25,590 24,530
股票 46,878 45,770
現金 35,790 35,790
總資產 108,258 106,090
成本 101,600 101,600
損益 6,658 4,490
總報酬率 6.55% 4.42%

