Your Question Was:
My question is about tax return for U.S. nonresident alien income. I bought stock of Johnson&Johnson(JNJ) through a U.S. online stock broker and received dividend from JNJ. The dividend has 30% tax withheld. My question is whether the 30% tax withheld can be return using deduction for exemptions. (Line40 in Form 1040NR).
Thanks a lot.
The Answer To Your Question Is:
Thank you for your inquiry of April 21, 2012. You have questions concerning whether a personal exemption can be claimed against dividend income paid to a nonresident alien.
You did not provide enough information to properly respond to your inquiry. You did not indicate your country of residence.
Generally, dividend income received by a nonresident alien is subject to a 30 percent tax rate. This tax rate is also referred to as nonresident alien tax rate (NRA). Since dividend income is generally considered to be not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, it is subject to the NRA 30 percent tax rate, unless a treaty between the United States and the nonresident alien's country of residence provides for a lower tax rate. Also, since this income is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, you cannot take a personal exemption on line 40 of Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return.
Thank you for using this electronic tax law service.
This answer is based on our understanding of the facts you presented in your question. Omission of facts may affect the answer given.
EMPLOYEE ID: 1000212741 Mr. Smith Tel.:English--(267) 941-1000 Spanish--(800)-829-1040 msg#: 1878624
雖然信件說我沒提供我的國籍而沒法適當的回答我的問題。但是信件說了一般狀況,就是股息是要繳30%的稅的,因為股息並不是 effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, 所以不適用免稅額。
我先問了最簡單的狀況,就是美國公司的配息,我用 JNJ 為例。那如果是VWO這種投資非美國區域的ETF的配息呢?也許再來去問一下吧。
rigel 您也是很謹慎的人,我也正想問你接下來要提問的問題。我也想問IRS:「VEU是美國公司發行的ETF,且投資範圍不含美國,所有股利皆源自非美國公司,但透過先鋒這間美國公司發放股利,我可以訴求免於被雙重課稅嗎?」不知道您是否已有進一步的詢問?
不過比較麻煩的是,我今年收到的1042-s 的 gross income 把美國來源與非美國來源混在一起,就算可以退,申請填表時,數字跟 1042-s 不一致,該如何說明呢?要附上股息收入的明細,再加上投資標的的內容說明文件嗎?難度增加了。
回覆刪除rigel,我之所以會想問IRS這個問題,其實也是因為遇上了你提的這個問題。不管是TD 或FIRSTRADE,他們給的1042-S都是把VEU也都算成要預扣稅的,都是US SOURCE DIVIDEND,我想問題就在他們認為VANGUARD是美國公司,而不管VEU實際的投資範圍。我恐怕IRS也會有同樣的想法,這對我們是極其不公平的,因為一頭羊真的會被剝兩層皮。我英文不甚流利,你可以幫忙先問問看,若再不行,我也來問問看,大家多關心這個問題,或許會有轉圜的餘地。
回覆刪除在Pub519, Chapter 3 (Exclusions From Gross Income) 的 dividend 段落說 There is no 30% tax on U.S. source dividends you receive from a foreign corporation. 如果是外國公司發的股息,應該是可以免除30%的稅。只不過現在1042-S這兩類的收入混在一起,如果要申請退稅,可能要附上其他文件說明有些股息是來自於外國公司吧。
刪除我記得綠角網站那時有提到一些券商,像是Zecco與Scottrade都不認為VEU這類的可以退回預扣稅,因為他們都把配發股息的VANGUARD 視為配息的美國公司,而不管這些配息實際上的來源是美國以外的公司。您援引的Pub519, Chapter 3 (Exclusions From Gross Income) 的 dividend 段落說 There is no 30% tax on U.S. source dividends you receive from a foreign corporation. 在條文上本來就頗為模糊,至少我這個「菜英文」就不易確定其意。VEU的股息到底是誰配的?是VANGUARD還是VEU持有的外國股票配的?到底券商的解釋對,還是您的解釋對,我真的不確定。我決定學您直接向IRS詢問了。有消息再來回報。
刪除TD 提到 pub 515, okk, 找來看看。謝謝 david 的資訊。
回覆刪除看了一堆文件,也問了IRS, 我想美國來源的配息的30%是沒法退稅的,因為他是 NEC. 至於像 VEU, VWO 這種投資非美國地區的ETF的配息預扣稅款能不能退稅,就需要有文件證明他的配息是來自非美國公司。今年的1042-S通通加在一起的確麻煩了。可能真的要去問Vanguard了。
不是有免稅額 3,700 USD 嗎?
刪除TO C.C.
刪除因為單純透過券商買股的股息屬於 NEC (Not Effectively Connected a U.S. trade or business) 所以不適用免稅額。
只有 ECI (Eccectively Connected Income) 才能用免稅額。
IRS 的回信清楚說明了 (上面紅字部份)
I cannot understand why people say 退稅 is not possible.
刪除The reply also clearly indicate that "Since dividend income is generally considered to be not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, it is subject to the NRA 30 percent tax rate, unless a treaty between the United States and the nonresident alien's country of residence provides for a lower tax rate"
Subject to a lower tax rate...as by default it is withhelding max 30%, lower tax rate means refund of the extra tax you paid.
May I know what does 綠角弄錯 ?
"unless a treaty between the United States and the nonresident alien's country of residence provides for a lower tax rate"
刪除沒錯,除非有另訂的協定。剛好台灣跟美國沒有,所以就是原來的稅率 30%.
But theoretically, we should be able to claims those Dividend (withheld at 30%) from non-US-source-income ETF ....
刪除I understand wht you mean by 綠角弄錯 as he ask people to input data in the Effectively Connected With a U.S trader or business (page 1)....but in fact should fill in as Non-Effective-Connected (NEC) page (page 4)
And there should be no tax exemption as being NEC?
is this what you mean?
one more simple to solve problem is to have two broker account say broker A (only non-US-income ETF) and broker B (held US stock/ETF).
刪除in this way, all dividend from broker A should be able to get refund the tax?
回覆刪除閱讀Publ 519時也有類似的問題。謝謝rigel的分享!
回覆刪除Winston, 謝謝。也歡迎分享您的心得。